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Woodie, an urban fashion brand inspired by the great outdoors, with a touch of vintage!

29 September 2022 Alumni News
Viewed 372 times

Sophie Coadic (class of 2001) has created Woodie, a humanist brand, which aims to use smart fashion to improve everyday life by connecting people in real life.

There will be three collections:
- A ‘new’ organic cotton and hemp collection
- An upcycling collection
- A second-hand line

They include pieces that liberate women’s bodies, multi-look pieces like 2-in-1 dungarees to lighten the load, and Woodie’s reimagined second-hand clothes for women, men and children.

What are Woodie's values?

- Woodie includes men in its quest for gender equality.
- Woodie advocates for a life in which we are at one with our planet.
- Woodie believes in using brands to link consumers and associations so that we can take practical and local action.


Well done, Sophie!

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