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Pépite, the website that helps companies recruit their future employees

05 September 2024 Alumni News
Viewed 173 times

Pépite was born of a simple observation that Sara and Louis had both made in their respective jobs: recruitment difficulties.

Today, almost all business sectors are faced with a shortage of manpower. What's more, the recruitment process within companies is generally quite lengthy, which can leave positions vacant for a long time, generating disorganization within structures, and even demotivating existing employees.

Faced with this situation, Sara and Louis DUCATEL (class of 2022) came up with a simple solution: make companies proactive in their recruitment process, to reduce its duration and improve its efficiency.

This is how Pépite was born: a website for companies comprising a database of candidates linked to several tools enabling companies to select and contact candidates who match their needs.

In concrete terms, the aim is to enable companies to avoid the classic recruitment process (job adverts, waiting for applications to arrive, sorting through CVs...) which offers no certainty of results.), which offers no certainty of results, as it is the candidates who respond to job offers, forcing companies to make a time-consuming selection process.

By enabling companies to directly select the right candidates for their needs, without having to go through a traditional recruitment process, Pépite saves companies a considerable amount of time in their recruitment process, and ensures a much better match between their needs and the candidates' profiles.

At a time when recruitment is tight, access to a large pool of candidates (throughout France) as offered by Pépite is a major advantage for companies.

But more than just a job pool, Sara and Louis aim to broaden companies' search horizons to maximize the chances of successful recruitment.

That's what one of Pépite's most important features is all about: geolocation.

This means visually showing companies which candidates are in their vicinity (on a map).

Thanks to this feature, Pépite enables companies to think outside the box by broadening their search to include other candidate profiles that might not initially have caught their attention.

Although the site was launched only recently (at the beginning of 2024), Pépite now has nearly 1,400 candidates from all sectors of activity, and is growing fast (around 100 additional candidates every month), proving the relevance of the idea conceived by Sara and Louis.

For the curious, here's the link to the site.

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