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Les étudiants de l’EM Normandie s’engagent dès la rentrée pour un monde durable ! // EM Normandie students commit to a sustainable world from the start of the academic year!

06 octobre 2023 Actualités école
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L’EM Normandie accueille en cette rentrée 2023 6 500 étudiants, dont plus de 2 000 nouveaux entrants.  Afin que ces derniers s’intègrent facilement et s’approprient rapidement les valeurs chères à l’établissement, la rentrée est à nouveau placée sous le signe de la « School for Good », avec trois grandes nouveautés : un Business Game dédié, un site Internet spécial rentrée, mine d’or d’informations pour les étudiants et leurs familles et enfin, un week-end d’intégration (WEI), pour clôturer et rendre inoubliable cette incroyable période d’intégration !


From Business School to School for Good


« L’EM Normandie s’est engagée vers une transformation de son modèle, en cohérence avec sa philosophie School for Good, pour avoir un impact sociétal et environnemental positif à horizon 2030 et associer les étudiants, diplômés, collaborateurs et partenaires dans ce changement. Pour y parvenir, l'école a notamment décidé d'inscrire dans la formation des étudiants les enjeux sociétaux et environnementaux dès leur arrivée. Pour exemple, le parcours Sustainability les plonge au cœur de ces enjeux de la RSO, mettant en lumière les solutions que les futurs salariés ou entrepreneurs de demain devront apporter dans leur organisation. Ainsi, chaque étudiant aura acquis, à la fin de son cursus, les compétences « Comprendre les enjeux éthiques et DD RS de la société », « Appréhender la complexité dans la soutenabilité » et « Conduire ses activités de façon efficace et responsable en agissant pour la durabilité » » précise Elian Pilvin, Directeur Général de l’EM Normandie.

Du jeudi 31 août au samedi 2 septembre, les étudiants postbac du Programme Grande Ecole, du Bachelor Management international et du BBA, nouveaux arrivants sur les trois campus nationaux (Caen, Le Havre et Paris) vont s'investir par équipes autour d’un Business Game avec 4 thématiques RSO : Mobilité longue distance, Mobilité quotidienne, Consommation/Fast fashion et Alimentation.

Accompagnés par 75 étudiants et diplômés bénévoles de l’EM Normandie et 50 intervenants, les groupes composés d’une quinzaine d’étudiants construiront leur projet et le présenteront sous forme de pitch devant un jury de professionnels. L’objectif est d’initier les étudiants aux enjeux de développement durable, de les amener à réfléchir sur des problématiques concrètes en lien avec leur quotidien et/ou leur territoire et de les familiariser aux principes de montage de projets, notamment associatifs. Ces 3 jours se clôtureront par des soirées de remise des prix sur chaque campus.


Pour tous les autres étudiants (du PGE, du BBA, du Bachelor Management International, en MS ou MSc ou internationaux) la rentrée s’échelonnera sur les semaines suivantes en mode « séminaires » avec des ateliers thématiques sur l’engagement, l’interculturalité, la prise en main des outils ou la recherche de stages.




EM Normandie is welcoming back 6,500 students in 2023, including over 2,000 newcomers.  To help them integrate easily and quickly adopt the values promoted by the school, the start of the new academic year is once again kicking off the 'School for Good' scheme, with three major new features: a dedicated Business Game, a special back-to-school website, a goldmine of information for students and their families, and lastly, an integration weekend (WEI), to round off this incredible freshers period and make it unforgettable!


From Business School to School for Good


"EM Normandie is committed to transforming its approach, in line with its School for Good philosophy, in order to achieve a positive societal and environmental impact by 2030 and involve students, graduates, staff and partners in this change. To this end, the school has decided to make social and environmental issues an integral part of students' training right from the start. For example, the Sustainability path plunges students right into the challenges of CSR, shedding light on the solutions that tomorrow's employees and entrepreneurs will need to implement in their organisations. By the end of their course, each student will have acquired the skills to 'Understand society's ethical and DD&RS* issues', 'Appreciate the complexity of sustainability' and 'Conduct their activities efficiently and responsibly by promoting sustainability'," explains Elian Pilvin, Managing Director of EM Normandie.

From Thursday 31 August to Saturday 2 September, post-baccalaureate students from the Grande Ecole Programme, the Bachelor's in International Management and the BBA, and new arrivals on the three national campuses (Caen, Le Havre and Paris), will be working in teams on a Business Game focusing on 4 CSR themes: long-distance mobility, everyday mobility, consumption/fast fashion and food.

Supported by 75 volunteer EM Normandie graduates and students, and 50 guest speakers, the groups of around 15 students will build their project and present it in the form of a pitch to a panel of professionals. The aim is to introduce students to the challenges of sustainable development, get them to think about practical issues related to their daily lives and/or their local area, and familiarise them with the principles of setting up projects, particularly associations. The 3-day event will conclude with a prize-giving evening on each campus. *DD&RS or “développement durable des établissements d'enseignement supérieur” – sustainable development in higher education establishments


For all other students (PGE, BBA, Bachelor of International Management, MS or MSc or international students), the start of the new academic year will be spread over the following weeks in "seminar" mode, with themed workshops on commitment, interculturality, getting to grips with the tools and finding internships.


A major first: in September 2023, EM Normandie will welcome the 1st intake of Vietnamese students to its Le Havre campus as part of its partnership with UTC Hanoi. These 14 students will be doing their 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree.


On international campuses


In Dubai, Dublin and Oxford, students will be welcomed by local teams and quickly immersed in the ecosystem of their expatriate country through workshops to raise awareness about the right behaviour to adopt, team building, immersion in leading companies and evening events.


A dedicated back-to-school website


Designed for and by students, the website dedicated to the start of the new academic year is a new place to find all the practical information you need, campus by campus. Online since June and updated in real time, is a real goldmine for young people and their parents looking for information. The site includes:

  • Term dates
  • What needs to be included in your registration pack
  • Freshers week: what will be happening
  • Looking for accommodation
  • Educational funding
  • How to find work-related training schemes
  • Life on campus
  • And much more besides!


Freshers weekend (WEI) is back


After several years without a WEI freshers weekend, EM Normandie's General Management has decided to relaunch this special event at the end of freshers month, under the guidance of the Student Federation and the Student Bureaus (BDE) on the French campuses.

From 22 to 24 September, all the new entrants to the 1st year of the various different programmes will meet in Brittany for 3 days designed to help them integrate. The aim is to give them the opportunity to meet new people, forge bonds more easily and create a sense of togetherness and belonging to the EM Normandie community.


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