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Election of the new Board of Directors

25 January 2024 Alumni News
Viewed 570 times

In November 2024, the Alumni Association will hold its annual General Meeting to elect its new Board of Directors, so now's the time to think about running!  

In accordance with the Association's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is elected for a 4-year term and comprises thirteen members:

- 3 ex officio members,

- 7 directors elected by the College of Contributing Graduates,

- 3 Directors elected by the College of Contributing Students. 

Nominations for the position of Director are open to paid-up members only.

The same applies to voters, who must also be paid-up members.  


The Board then elects an Executive Committee comprising a Chair, one or more Vice-Chairs, a Treasurer and a Secretary. 

The Executive Committee defines the Association's strategy, ensures that the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting are implemented, and supervises the day-to-day management of the Association in conjunction with the Association's Managing Director, within the framework of the agreed guidelines.

It ensures that the company's articles of association are upheld properly and that regulations are complied with.



All applications for the position of Director, regardless of college, must be sent to the Association, to the attention of Valérie LE BOULANGER, President, between 1 May and 30 June 2024. 

Information you need to submit to validate your application:

- CV and covering letter

- 1 high-definition portrait photo

- 1-sentence profession of faith/mantra


If you have any questions about the Board of Directors and/or the election, please send an email to

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