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Discover our graduates' work at the Learning Centre!

06 October 2023 Alumni News
Viewed 756 times

Great news! The Learning Centre has something just for you: a special collection of books written by EM Normandie graduates. Immerse yourself in the literary creativity of your former classmates and explore a variety of genres and subjects (economics, fiction, personal development, etc.).


Support our graduate authors

By borrowing and reading these books, you are also supporting our graduate authors on their journey. It's an opportunity to celebrate their literary achievements and encourage them in their love of writing.


Borrow them today!

The alumni book collection is available now at the Learning Centre, with more books to come. Take advantage of this resource to enrich your academic and personal experience. Happy reading!


Florian ARFEUILLERE (ESC Le Havre, 1993)
1 year ago
Bravo pour l'initiative ! Si tel n'était pas encore le cas, n'hésitez pas à inclure dans votre collection mes romans Les Folles Années Vin et Corrèze-près-Bordeaux
Florian Arfeuillère, promo 1993
Muriel HERBERT (SUP EUROPE C.E.S.E.C., 2000)
1 year ago
Oh excellent ! Je me permets également de préciser que je suis auteure d'un best seller "Parents de jumeaux, notre vie croustillante" (Ed. Récréalire) et également de "Le grand livre des jumeaux" (Ed. Leducs) avec une jolie préface d'Elodie Gossuin... Bref, depuis ces belles aventures sur le plan humain, je suis devenue co-écrivaine formatrice.
Au plaisir de se lire !
Muriel Herbert, promo 2000

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