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Data and sustainable navigation conference
Aware of the shipping industry's impact on the climate, in 2020 the International Maritime Organization required ships to use fuel with a lower sulfur dioxide (Sox) level or to implement technologies that reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.
Around 80% of emissions in ports are linked to shipping activities and 20% to trucks and locomotives (ITF, 2014). Thus, examining the use of electrically propelled vehicles, either alone or in conjunction with the development of multimodal options such as barges or rail, could be a solution to reducing the negative impact of economic activity on the environment and the reduce the negative impact of economic activity on the environment and human health.
The use of navigation data makes it easier to manage the relationship between ships and ports. The use of data makes it possible to anticipate incoming or outgoing flows from the port and the arrival of a ship, and thus to optimize resources, both economically and ecologically, for loading or unloading ships.
At this conference, researchers and transport and logistics professionals will discuss how data management can reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to logistics activities.
Throughout the afternoon of Thursday May 25, two round-table discussions will be held with experts in the field.
Program :
-Introduction :
■S.Castellano - Dean EM Normandie
■M.Augustin BŒUF - Regional Councillor
-Session 1 - Maritime (Moderator - P.RIGOT-MULLER)
■P.Cariou (Kedge) / D.Mesa (TOWT) / G. Pellat de Villedon (Michelin)
-Session 2 - Port (Moderator - L.FEDI)
■A.Ng / S.Karamperidis (Southampton University) / B. Daudet (EMN) / J. Duszynski (VNF)
A dinner will be organized from 6:30pm at the Port Center.
Friday May 26 will be dedicated to the presentation of academic papers on subjects such as autonomous ships, navigation in extreme conditions and maritime risk management.
7 themes will be covered:
-Enhancing the Resilience of Maritime Infrastructures in the Post-Pandemic World (Adolf NG)
-Autonomous ships in commercial operation - feasibility, system design, technology roadmap and challenges (Ziaul Haque MUNIM)
-Innovations for shipping in the context of new environmental policies Patrick RIGOT-MULLER / Ali CHEAITOU / Laurent FEDI
-The role of ports in supporting maritime transport decarbonisation transition - Stavros KARAMPEDIS
-Route optimization and planning using big environmental data - Laurent ETIENNE
-Forecasting zero and low carbon fuels; current status future developments and data needs - Fleet management and simulation tools- Roberto RIVAS-HERMANN
-How to optimize the GHG emissions in the transportation of maritime containers to the hinterland? - Robin POTE
To register, click on this link.
See all events
from Thursday 25 May
to Friday 26 May 2023
(GMT +1)
EM Normandy
20 Quai Frissard
Le Havre
EM Normandy
20 Quai Frissard76600 Le Havre
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