Notebook / Appointments

Viewed 1029 times
25 January 2024
Geoffrey CONFORTI (EM Normandie Grande Ecole Program, 2009)
Appointments - Geoffrey CONFORTI appointed President of Maison Demarle
Geoffrey CONFORTI (class of 2009) began his career as Sales Support Specialist at AirLiquide in September 2007.
In 2009, he joined the Sasa Demarle group, successively holding the positions of Sales Manager North-East Area (France), and Sales Manager Africa, Middle East and Europe.
In January 2015, he became Industrial Sales Manager Middle-East, Latin America and Europe at SASA.
In 2018, he joined MECATHERM as Industrial Area Sales Manager - Middle East Area.
In 2019, he returned to the SASA DEMARLE Group as Managing Director of the Bakery (SASA) & Pastry (MAISON DEMARLE) Business Unit .
Since October 2023, he has been promoted to President of MAISON DEMARLE.
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