Events calendar

Webinar VIE : "Partir en VIE ? Yes you can!"
To find out all you need to know about the VIE, to better understand how to anticipate and land a VIE and to discuss the winning strategies to put in place: take part in the "VIE" webinar. Going on a VIE? Yes you can! "organized on Wednesday May 10 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm by the Parcours Carrière and the Association Alumni EM Normandie.
We'll be delighted to welcome 3 keynote speakers:
- Xavier GUÉRARD, Head of VIE Partnerships at Business France
To find out more about the VIE program, click HERE - Quentin FILLATRE, EM Normandie Alumni - Class of 2020
Quentin is currently in Faurecia's HR department in Germany. - Enzo HUMEAU, Alumni EM Normandie - Class of 2020
Enzo did his VIE with Eiffage in London at the end of his studies.
See all events
Wednesday 10 May 2023
- 19:30
(GMT +1)
Online event
Registration closed

Quentin FILLATRE (EM Normandie Grande Ecole Program, 2020)

Enzo HUMEAU (EM Normandie Grande Ecole Program, 2020)
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