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Webinar "Conversations du Parcours Avenir": Re-entreprising life after 50

Career progression is a vast subject, rarely dealt with in a straightforward manner. What if there were some "secret" springs that could be activated to ease the transition to key positions?

Corinne HIRSCH, a specialist in equality between men and women in the workplace, will reveal what she has observed while advising numerous organizations, in a live interview conducted by Myriam DESCHAMPS (class of 1998).

Corinne Hirsch is a lecturer and gender equality expert.

It capitalizes on two dimensions:

  1. a career as an international Senior Executive (she was the first woman to head up Yoplait's Asia-Pacific business)
  2. a civic commitment to professional equality:
  • she is co-founder and Vice-Chairwoman of the Laboratoire de l'égalité
  • treasurer of the Ensemble Contre Le Sexisme collective.
  • She was Vice-Chairwoman of PWN-Paris (Professional Women's Network) in charge of Think Tanks, notably "Femmes et argent", "Femmes et ambition", "Femmes et leadership".
  • She is co-author of the PWN film "Femmes et argent, parlons-en, cartes sur table!".
  • She wrote the guide "Egalité femmes-hommes, mon entreprise s'engage" with the French Ministry of Labor.
  • She was director of the Women's Foundation for the Mediterranean.
  • She ran the Femmes ici et ailleurs clubs in the Ile-de-France region.

To put her dual expertise to good use, she set up the Aequiso consult ancy and regularly works on gender issues with companies, public organizations, associations and women's networks.

Find her LinkedIn profile here .

  • She was named Chevalière de la légion d'honneur on July 14, 2019.
  • She was named one of the 25 Linkedin Top Voices in France (25 top influencers and influencers) in November 2019.
  • She is one of the top 100 most influential French-speaking women on Linkedin (ranking published by Favikon in October 2023). She leads a community of almost 40,000 members.
Tuesday 5 March 2024
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 5th March
Online event
  • Free

Registration closed
Myriam DESCHAMPS (ESC Le Havre, 1998)
Corinne HIRSCH

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Tuesday 5 March 2024
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 5th March
Online event
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 35 registrants
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