Events calendar

Job Meet Up
On March 29 and 30, 2023, EM Normandie is organizing the JOB MEETUP reserved for BMI3, BBA4, M1, M2, MS, MSc, Optional Year students and Alumni to help you to get a long internship or a job (Fixed-term contracts, permanent contracts, international voluntary work).
If you are currently looking for your next work experience, this is the ideal way to conduct distance interviews by positioning yourself on the agendas of the recruiters of your choice.
On the program: opportunities that correspond to you (large groups, SMEs, start-ups), and not to complicate things, a registration on Seekube that is done in a few clicks!
Any questions about how a virtual job meetup works?
- From March 14 (and before March 28), you can register on the Seekube platform: link accessible on this JobTeaser event page.
- Discover all the participating companies and their offers
- For each offer that corresponds to your profile, you can request an appointment by choosing a slot in the recruiter's agenda.
- Log in regularly, offers and new slots will be available until March 28.
- From March 21, recruiters will have access to your profile and will be able to process your appointment requests: accept or refuse them, but also offer you appointments if your profile interests them.
- From 4:00 pm on March 28, you will not be able to make appointments.
- On March 29 and 30, you will meet the recruiters by phone or by video, you will not have to go there!
--> First come, first served!
Tips : See the presentation
Important to know :
- If you are asked for a password when you register, please fill in <emnormandiemeetup2023>.
Please do not share this password with students from other institutions.
- If you have a question about the Seekube platform, a chat bubble is available at the bottom right of your screen or you can write an email to
PS : Your absence in class will be excused
Contact :
See all events
from Wednesday 29 March
to Thursday 30 March 2023
(GMT +1)
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