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Short courses forum


From March 14 to 16, 2022, EM Normandie is organizing the FORUM STAGES COURTS reserved for BMI, U1, U2 and U3 students, in partnership with Seekube.

Over 40 participating companies will be offering internships lasting from 1 to 4 months.

If you're currently looking for your next internship, this is the ideal way to conduct remote interviews by positioning yourself on the agendas of the recruiters of your choice.

On the program: opportunities to suit you (large groups, SMEs, start-ups), and to make things as easy as possible, Seekube registration is just a few clicks away!

Questions about how a virtual forum works?

  • From February 25 (and before March 11), you can register on the Seekube platform: link accessible via the registration button on this JobTeaser event page .
  • Discover all the participating companies and their vacancies.
  • For each vacancy that matches your profile, you can request an appointment by selecting a slot in the recruiter's diary.
  • Check back regularly, as new vacancies and appointment slots will be added until March 11.
  • From March 4, recruiters will have access to your profile and will be able to process your requests for appointments: accepting or refusing them, but also proposing appointments if your profile interests them.
  • From 4.00 pm on March 11, you won't be able to make any more appointments.
  • On March 14, 15 and 16, you'll be able to meet recruiters over the phone or by video, so you won't have to go anywhere!

--> First come, first served!

Tip: Watch the presentation video

Very important to know!

  • If you are asked for a password when registering, please enter: emnormandiestagescourts2022

Please do not share this password with students from other schools.

  • If you have a question about the Seekube platform, a chat bubble is available at the bottom right of your screen or you can write an email to

PS: Your absence will be excused.


from Monday 14th March
to Wednesday 16th March 2022
18h30 (GMT +2)
Online event

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from Monday 14th March
to Wednesday 16th March 2022
18h30 (GMT +2)
Online event
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