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Running for the planet

"We, citizens of the world, are not resigned toclimate change. There aremillions of us and we have the power to act. It's time to use it.

Team for the Planet israising money to detect and deploy 100 global innovations against greenhouse gases. "


"Run for Team for the Planet" is the challenge set byPhilippe Moreau, renowned ultra-marathoner. From May 2 to June 12, 2024, he will complete 42 marathons in 42 days, including a tour of France.

At the end of each marathon, he will hold a 42-minute conference, in which he will talk aboutprotecting the planet and how to take action via the Team for the Planet mission company.

At the Normandy School of Management, 9 Rue Claude Bloch, 14052 Caen.

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Arrival of Philippe 🏁πŸ”₯πŸƒ‍♂️ & Welcome

18h30 - 19h15 : Philippe MOREAU and Arthur Aubeauf's conference

7:15pm - 7:45pm: Cocktails and discussion

Wednesday 12 June 2024
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
9 Rue Claude Bloch
14000 Caen

9 Rue Claude Bloch
14000 Caen

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Wednesday 12 June 2024
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
9 Rue Claude Bloch
14000 Caen
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