Election Conseil d'Administration 2024-2028


On November 21 in Clichy, the EM Normandie Alumni Association will elect its new Board of Directors at its Annual General Meeting.Of the 35 applications received, 10 members will be elected for a four-year term (2024-2028), including 7 Directors from the Alumni College and 3 Directors from the Student College.Note that only life members of the Alumni Association will be able to vote, in person or by proxy*. In the meantime, discover the candidates!

*Alumni up to the class of 2023 will vote for the Alumni College. Alumni from the class of 2024 onwards will vote for the Student College.



I want to continue to strengthen our network and promote the excellence of EM Normandie with passion.


"Life is a daring adventure or it's nothing." - Helen Keller

Jean-Philippe BARBAZA

Committing each member to realizing his or her potential, for an innovative and mutually supportive future for our community.


"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn"


For a lasting association, a strong triptych and an international community.

Corentin CLERC

"The winner is a dreamer who never gives up" Nelson Mandela

Thibault COUTAREL (class of 2024)

Committed from day one, determined to shape the future of our community.


It hasn't changed since 1985 (the first promo plaque, for which I claim paternity along with François Patissier):

"Veni, Vidi, Rigoli, Vicci".

Pierre DERON

I want to take action and contribute to the development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Environment within the Alumni Association and in liaison with the school in France and internationally.

Bah Imicka DJEOUE

I undertake to respect my rights and duties as a member of the Board of Directors and the ENM.


Life is too short to live it by halves; schooling is too short not to make it last: school for life!


Unite creativity, commitment and teamwork to enrich our network, the skills of its members and their career paths to forge a lasting, sustainable future.

Marie HELIN (class of 2019)

Enthusiasm and energy to bring the Alumni Association's missions to life on a daily basis.

Panya KEOCHANTHALA (class of 2014)

Trade Marketing Manager Foodservice Europe - Ajinomoto, Frozen Foods Europe

Sharing, supporting & celebrating together all projects and their successes.

Adrien LAGARDERE (class of 2013)

Alone we go fast, but together we go far!

Bruno LANCIEN (class of 1991)

I'm committed to boosting entrepreneurship, promoting student entrepreneurs and their projects, and mobilizing the school's powerful alumni network.

Olympe LOISEAU (class of 2020)

United by diversity, guided by equity, and strengthened by collaboration, let's build together a promising future for all Alumni.

Wilfried Armel MABONDZO (class of 2011)

Listening and serving people.

Gedeon MBAKOM (class of 2020)

Driven by a deep sense of gratitude to EM Normandie, which has shaped so much of my career, I am firmly convinced that every alumnus deserves caring, committed support to help them realize their ambitions and build a strong, supportive network together.

Laura MECHINAUD (class of 2022)

Many of us want a fairer, more sustainable society, and raising the skills and understanding of a whole network of students and graduates is part of the solution.

Christophe MUYLLAERT (class of 2016)

I'm from Normandy, I grew up with my eyes on the ocean, I've always wanted to discover the world, and thanks to my culture and education, I've taken to the sails and set sail. I'd like to give back to my region (and to my beloved school) all that it has enabled me to dream and then achieve, here and elsewhere.

Julie ORIOT (class of 2024)

I'm nothing, I know, but I make up my nothing with a little bit of everything.

Shonnead POTARD DÉGREMONT (class of 2018)

They didn't know it was impossible, so they did it.

Samuel RETHORE (class of 1997)

" We will never be too numerous to share CSR best practices with those, among our Alumni, who want to do well but don't know how...I will personally see to it within our association that everyone can obtain answers to the questions that arise to ensure a simple, effective implementation and secure sustainable progress of their CSR..."

Vincent ROTGER (class of 1996)

I'll be proud to represent the EM Normandie Alumni, with the ambition of building an even more connected, supportive and international network, in close collaboration with the School and the Foundation.

Mahyar SAFAEE (class of 2013)

As co-founder of an oil brokerage firm in Dubai, a strategic crossroads between East and West, I want to use my experience and networking skills to strengthen international links within the ALUMNI network and create significant opportunities for the whole network.

Alexandre SZTAJNKRYCER (class of 2007)

My aim is to develop closer ties between the association and the students, for their success and the influence of EM Normandie.

Taleb SOULIMAN (class of 2019)

Supply technician Synthomer


Ibrahim ADAMU (class of 2024)

Océane BARDIN (class of 2026)

Don't wait for opportunities. Create them yourself.

Térence FISCHER (class of 2025)

"Carrying the EM Normandie colors high".

Louis PICHON (class of 2026)

I am committed to using my passion for innovation and my leadership experience to unite, support and promote our alumni community, ensuring that every member can benefit from our dynamic network to reach their full potential.

Arthur STREICHENBERGER (class of 2025)

My aim is to develop closer ties between the association and the students, for their success and the influence of EM Normandie.

Jules VENTRE (class of 2026)

I want to create networking opportunities to encourage the sharing of experiences between graduates and students to strengthen our community and support each other's professional development.

Alice VIEILLARD (class of 2027)

"Every human being is an artist, a being of freedom, called to participate in transforming and changing the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives" Joseph Beuys

As the artist of my life, I am free and committed to transforming the conditions and structures of our society. For each of my choices, I try to contribute at my own level to collective evolution. By creating links and bringing people together, I believe we can each play an active part in shaping a better, fairer and more sustainable world.

Anastasia VIOSSAT (class of 2026)

Involved in various student initiatives, I'm convinced that my experience and commitment would be an asset to the EM Normandie alumni committee.

*Alumni up to the class of 2023 will vote for the Graduate College. Alumni from the class of 2024 will vote for the Student College.