
Floriane, scholarship student at EM Normandy
We are happy to share with you the story of Floriane, one of our scholarship students at EM Normandie. Like many students, Floriane had one goal: to enter a top business school and become a successful professional in her chosen field. However, this goal was nearly impossible to achieve due to her financial situation. The EM Normandie Foundation was able to provide her with a scholarship, which allowed Floriane to continue her studies and realize her dream. The EM Normandie Foundation strives to make higher education accessible to all talented students, regardless of their social background or financial situation.
"I had to take out a loan from the bank to get into EM Normandie, with a ceiling of 20,000 euros, which was not enough for the 3 years of study, which amounted to 33,000 [...] I have been interested in business since I was very young, because I saw my mother working in this field, as well as in event management, and I liked this sector. [...] My plans at EM Normandie are to succeed in my studies, to learn more about the different branches of business, and to get as much experience as possible from my expatriation that I will do in my 3rd year, and if my grades allow it, I would like to go to South Korea! [...] In parallel, I work in the restaurant business to support my studies. [I would like to thank the Foundation, but also the donors for giving us this opportunity to enter great business schools like EM Normandie, which will be decisive for our future.
Your support of the EM Normandie Foundation is essential for us to continue to support talented students like Floriane. Your gift can make a huge difference in the life of a scholarship student, giving them the chance to continue their education, develop professionally, and achieve their dreams. We thank you wholeheartedly for your support.
The EM Normandie Foundation
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